SmithCo Side Dump Trailers is an industry leader because of the hard work of our knowledgeable and dedicated employees. Our “Meet the Team” series spotlights a member of our staff who helps SmithCo continue to be the best in our field. Today, we share insights from Duane Myears, Sales Manager.
I first began working at SmithCo as the paint shop supervisor in January of 2000. I had been employed at a rail car refurbishing company for 11 years and had reached a point where the position I held was not challenging enough. It had become ‘just a job.’ I had visited with management from SmithCo about a few issues that they were experiencing in their paint department and came away with a sense of unity in the personnel that I had been looking for in a company.
After I started, we saw an opportunity to develop more stringent quality control process to minimize rework. As I had worked in the rail-car field where inspection processes are very detailed, I was asked to help develop some procedures and was appointed quality control manager. I also held the warranty manager position at that same time. Later, I transitioned into the production manager role and held that position for about eight years before moving to sales.
This kind of potential for growth was what first drew me to SmithCo. The people were all hard-working teammates that never settled for ‘good enough.’ Every aspect of the manufacturing process was all about how can we do this better. And it still feels the same today, 20 years later.
Why SmithCo
There are two important factors for why a customer chooses to buy a SmithCo side dump over another trailer brand. They are looking for both the high level of quality that our trailers are known for, and the commitment of our personnel to ensure customers leave with a well-built, long-lasting trailer. We go to great lengths to listen to what our clients need and create solutions to help them.
Working with customers who have a unique product or difficult haul and providing a viable solution is really what sets SmithCo apart from most manufacturers. We don’t give up. We love to help companies achieve maximum payloads and face unique hauling challenges.
Selling SmithCo Trailers
My typical day starts early, I usually spend time wrapping up projects and getting information to customers that called the day before. Our sales staff keeps in constant contact during the day with our production department to monitor the timelines on trailer commitments. Depending on the day, we look at potential trade-ins and may have meetings to go through potential projects with our customers. I also travel a fair share, mostly in the first part of the year. Trade shows generally happen at that time and they are an important part of meeting with customers and those who want to trade up to SmithCo or are just learning about side dumps.
I spend a lot of my time in direct communication with potential customers helping them to spec a trailer. As I’m involved in nearly every aspect of the trailer manufacturing process, I have a good background for understanding what trailer model will work best for each application. I use that when talking to customers in order to provide them with the correct trailer for their needs. All you need to know to start speccing your trailer is the state you’re hauling in and the haul material, and we can fill in the rest.
The Best Part of the Job
The most rewarding part of my job is the thanks that I get from the customers. Whether it’s when they pick up their new SmithCo trailer, or when I help them troubleshoot a problem that they have on an older trailer, or just giving them my opinion on how their operation can benefit with a side dump trailer. Knowing I was able to help someone makes my whole day worthwhile.
The best part of working at SmithCo is the team atmosphere. We have one vision that we follow and we are constantly pushing to not only reach our goals, but to exceed expectations.

Blog Author
Duane Myears is a District Sales Manager for SmithCo. He has extensive experience in the transportation industry working with rail car for eleven years prior to joining SmithCo where he has held a range of supervisory and management positions including Production, Quality Control and Warranty. For nearly 20 years, he has been a leader every step of the way. Away from work, you may catch up with him fishing or following NASCAR.