Get rolling with more efficient and profitable hauling today. Explore lease-to-own (LTO) and traditional commercial vehicle financing options for your new SmithCo side dump trailer.
Lease-to-Own Financing
No money down, competitive, convenient
AMUR Equipment Financing offers an attractive lease-to-own package for qualified SmithCo customers so you can drive off the lot with no money down. At the end of the 12-month lease, you can purchase the trailer, finance for 72 months or return the trailer to your SmithCo dealer. This custom AMUR lease-to-own financing offers a competitive monthly payment and defined buyout at the end of the 12-month lease. A soft credit check will confirm eligibility and the lease will be reported only to the Business Credit Bureau. Complete the form below to get started.

Traditional Financing Options
In addition to their lease-to-own financing, Amur offers traditional financing options.
Your SmithCo dealer may also offer traditional financing options for your new SmithCo Side Dump for qualified buyers. Check with your dealer to learn what programs are available or complete the form below to get started. Contact information is available on our dealer locator.

Get Started
Learn about the attractive lease-to-own or traditional financing options for your SmithCo side dump trailer, available across the United States to qualified buyers. Complete this form and a SmithCo representative will be in touch soon