Purchasing a trailer is no small decision. It’s important to consider several factors so that you are not only getting a great price, but you’re also getting a great trailer for that price.
Not all side dumps are created equal. That’s why we’ve created a blog series to highlight a few key criteria you should use to evaluate which side dump trailer is right for your needs, even if it’s not a SmithCo Side Dump.
The true value of a piece of equipment is not just the purchase price, or the profit you get when you’re on the job. It’s also the potential resale value down the road. A lower price may be tempting at the outset, but you potentially risk getting a lower-quality trailer that won’t sell for much once it’s time to move on.
A few different factors affect a trailer’s resale value:
- Quality and durability: Is the trailer built to last? How many more years of use can you expect to get out of it? Can it haul what you need it to haul, day in and day out?
- Safety: Can your trailer design help reduce risk at the job site? Does the trailer have up-to-date safety features that can integrate with your existing or future trucks?
- Reputation and customer service: Does the company stand behind its products? If you have an issue, is it easy to get someone on the phone to help?
It's not complicated to understand why a reputable, quality trailer with a great reputation will sell for more when the time comes.
Invest in your business’ future by investing in a high-quality side dump like a SmithCo.
Don't miss the other blogs in our Look Beyond Price series:
- Read about analyzing advertised cubic yardage
- Read about how to spot a quality build
- Read about how DOT bridge laws should inform your purchase decision
Want more information on what sets SmithCo side dump trailers apart, from purchase to resale? Contact us at 800-779-8099 or sales@sidedump.com.