SmithCo Side Dump Trailers is an industry leader because of the hard work of our knowledgeable and dedicated employees. Our “Meet the Team” series spotlights members of our staff who help SmithCo continue to be the best in our field. Today, we share insights from Tara Smith, Accounts Payable/Accounts Receivable Specialist.
I’m kind of the go-to person here in the office at SmithCo. If I don’t know the answer, I will find the person who does. As Scott Lovell would say, “I’m the glue that holds everything together.” I take great pride in that statement.
I first started at SmithCo in February of 2003 in the role of Administrative Assistant. I was only the second person who had held that position at SmithCo when I was hired. So when I came, I had some pretty big shoes to fill. At that time I was doing everything including the phones, front desk, payables, receivables and all the trailer shipping. I also helped with making travel arrangements for the company’s founder Greg Smith & head of sales Rick Lawrence as they were traveling all over the country to demo our trailers and draw up business.
After holding the position for two and a half years, I decided to leave SmithCo to pursue a career in the insurance industry. I always kept in touch with then head of operations Scott Lovell, (now our current President and CEO), and the purchasing manager, Greg Fravel. Ten years later, Scott called and asked if I would like to come back. I was ecstatic!
Problem Solver Extraordinaire
I recently moved into a new role here at SmithCo as the Accounts Payable/Accounts Receivable Specialist. This move will allow me more time to focus on the entering and paying vendor bills and collecting parts and trailer invoices. I feel like I am solving problems all day long, whether that means getting pre-invoices and copies of MSOs to customers before trailers are finished, or contacting vendors for missing invoice payments. I’m also always doing some kind of troubleshooting on something while answering tons of questions from anyone and everyone.
In my role, you must pay special attention to detail and be very patient and helpful. Being knowledgeable about what we do here at SmithCo is especially key. I truly believe in this company and I take great pride in my work, and I believe this is what makes a person excellent at their role.
The workers on the floor do the manual work of making the trailer. I do the behind-the-scenes work involving the accounting aspects of things as well as coordinating the titles and shipping of the trailers. I even work hard to make sure the vending machines in the break room are stocked and working properly. That may seem like a small thing, but our people work very hard and I want them to be able to get what they want when it’s time for a break. At SmithCo, we all have an important role no matter what department we are in. Without all of us, this company wouldn’t be as successful as it is.
My day is a constant whirlwind, which I thoroughly enjoy. I’m usually going in five different directions at the same time doing multiple tasks while keeping everything straight. Whether it is helping to answer the phones, helping with a walk-in customer, making sure titles go out appropriately, or generally keeping everything in order, my days fly by and I wouldn’t want it any other way.
The Best Part of the Job
I love my co-workers! We all work very well together and are always willing to do whatever we can to help each other help our customers. I think a successful company stems from the people it employs and especially how we take pride in our work. I always come to work with a smile on my face and look forward to seeing my co-workers and doing the best we can every day to make SmithCo the best side dump trailer manufacturer in the world!!