SmithCo Side Dump Trailers is an industry leader because of the hard work of our knowledgeable and dedicated employees. Our “Meet the Team” series spotlights members of our staff who help SmithCo continue to be the best in our field. Today, we share insights from Debi Douma-Herren, Director of Human Resources.
I joined SmithCo in October of 2021 as our Director of Human Resources, bringing 17 years of HR experience with me. I was interested in SmithCo because they have a great reputation within the industry. As I learned more about the company, I appreciated the collaborative atmosphere to foster forward-thinking, innovative ideas. I also saw a great opportunity to bring their ideas of recruiting, retaining and engaging employees to life in order to achieve company goals.
Building Relationships Across the Company
My approach as Director of Human Resources is to be a collaborative and inclusive leader. My role oversees employee recruiting and engagement strategies, partnering with leadership to achieve organizational goals through talent management, and ensuring compliant HR policies. In addition, I am responsible for ongoing employee professional development and fostering an environment of continued employee growth.
When it comes to human resources, the most important skills are facilitating positive relationships, interpersonal communication, and the ability to analyze information effectively. Being a strategic, critical thinker is another focus of mine as I consider all the different viewpoints of such a diverse team of people.

Blog Author
Debi Douma-Herren has worked as SmithCo’s Director of Human Resources since fall of 2021. When she’s not in the office, she enjoys spending time with her family, traveling, taking on house and furniture restoration projects, spending time outdoors and playing with the family dog. |