When it comes to worksite visibility, SmithCo side dumps already have an advantage. Unlike an end dump or belly dump trailer, a side dump trailer driver can easily see the area they are dumping into because it is not behind or underneath the trailer. But sometimes the site location or the time-of-day hampers visibility and extra light is necessary. At SmithCo, we incorporate special lighting designs into our overall trailer design to help with that field of view and make for a safer trailer to operate when visibility is an issue.
The Right Lights for Your Specific Needs
Most trailer lighting requirements are standard, but SmithCo can customize lighting options to meet specific industry needs. For example, our mining customers have requested larger work lights to fully illuminate the area they are working in to provide much-needed visibility in an offroad setting.
Our customers in the agriculture industry are commonly working in the fields before sunrise or after sundown. When you are working with a full load in an unlit field, being able to see the area you intend to dump into is crucial. On road work, often projects require special strobe lighting to be in operation whenever a vehicle is near traffic or other machinery. Whatever lighting challenges you have, SmithCo can supply the lighting solution to meet your needs.
Lighting Makes Things Easier
Matt Ohlson, owner of Ohlson Trucking, is very familiar with the customized lighting solutions for SmithCo side dumps. Ohlson worked extensively with SmithCo on lighting his two SX series trailers for ag hauling. “Many trailer operators think that lighting your trailer isn’t that important, but it’s actually a really big deal,” said Ohlson, “You wouldn’t believe how much more visible the field and your trailer are with the proper lights. It definitely makes things easier.”
Most of the time when a customer asks for any type of special lighting, we already have experience with that type of request. Occasionally, we get requests for special strobe lights mounted in certain areas or a certain type of turn or brake lighting package to meet the needs for their jobsite or preferences. We work hard to customize these options to a customer’s needs.
Want to know more about how SmithCo can help you customize your trailer with the right lighting? Get in touch, and we can start learning about your specific needs. Give us a call at 800-779-8099 or email us at sales@sidedump.com.