SmithCo Side Dump Trailers is an industry leader because of the hard work of our knowledgeable and dedicated employees. Our “Meet the Team” series spotlights members of our staff who help SmithCo continue to be the best in our field. Today, we share insights from Chris Wahlstrom, MRP Coordinator.
I joined the team at SmithCo more than 17 years ago, because I liked the people and I loved the idea of learning about new products. My position is MRP coordinator, which means that I have a lot on my plate. As part of my job, I create bills of material from engineering prints and load into the IOS system, create cut lists and program parts for the Hi-Def Plasma table (known as the burn table), and create and program part sale orders.
I also move trailers through the different departments as they are being worked on in the IOS system, from Engineering and through Finish. I also work in Inventory Control, which means I receive parts cut on the burn table into the IOS system and relieve the system of the steel plates and sheets that are used in the trailers.
Versatility and Reliability
The key skills I bring to SmithCo every day are product knowledge, accuracy, time management and versatility. I’m always learning and I’m open to change.
The big thing that makes our team work is knowing we can rely on each other. I have to make sure the shop knows they can rely on me to provide them all of their trailer cut orders, and all of their finish department pull lists. They can also rely on me to keep the shop on pace, since I make sure the packets from engineering are produced in time for everyone to accomplish our build goals. In turn, I rely on the engineering department working for me to provide the trailer packet.
Quality Company, Quality Trailers
The things I like about working at SmithCo is that the people treat you like family and everyone has your back if you need help. SmithCo is very family orientated and treat us well. I also like that we are always pushed to be a better company and build better trailers. I like the challenges it provides.

Blog Author
Chris Wahlstrom has been with SmithCo for over 17 years. When not at the shop, she enjoys Spending time with her husband of 40 years, raising their grandsons, swimming, watching their grandsons’ sporting events, and going on cruises with her family.