Dual hauling side dump trailers have become a popular option over the years for many industries from agriculture and construction to mining and waste, due to their increased payload capacity. These vehicles feature two connected trailers pulled by a single tractor. They have several advantages over single hauling trailers, such as a reduction in the number of trucks and drivers required to haul loads and less total time needed to haul more loads.
Dual Hauling Configurations
There are several configurations for dual hauling trailers. In an A-train configuration, the rear (pup) trailer connects to the back of the front (lead) trailer with a converter dolly. Meanwhile, in a B-train configuration, the pup trailer connects to the lead trailer via a fifth-wheel connection.
Either configuration can be used in a wide variety of industries and haul almost any type of material. At SmithCo, we can help you understand if the state or territory where you plan on working allows dual hauling trailers, an essential consideration.
Building Dual Hauling Trailers
Most, if not all, SmithCo side dump trailers can be built to haul in dual configurations, but there are several important items to consider. First, trailers built for dual hauling require a reinforced frame structure to accommodate pulling the added weight of a loaded pup trailer behind it. The dual configuration must also have the ability to connect the pup trailer to the tractor to control the pup trailer’s lights, brakes, air, and hydraulic systems. Most existing trailers can be retrofitted to function as a lead trailer for dual hauling.
SmithCo Dual Hauling Trailers
Dual hauling side dump trailers can be an effective way of increasing total payload by hauling two trailers with a single tractor. SmithCo builds dual trailer sets regularly, in fact, it would be hard to find a month that doesn’t have at least one on the build schedule. Creating a dual hauling trailer from scratch takes slightly longer than a single hauling trailer because of the added structural and system requirements. However, it takes less time than having a single hauling trailer retrofit to become a dual hauling one.
Interested in seeing how we could design a dual hauling side dump trailer for your industry? Get in touch, and let’s get to work. Give us a call at 800-779-8099 or visit our contact page.